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The MoreMarkets architecture is designed to enable seamless cross-chain liquidity access and management. Here’s a quick breakdown of the key components and their interactions:
1. Principal Chain
Primary BoringVault: Stores native assets deposited from the Principal Chain and issues vault shares.
ReceiptTeller (Wormhole): Facilitates cross-chain message passing, deposits and issues receipts.
Null Manager & Null Strategist: For now this component is not enabled, but eventually will allow strategy managers to manage remote strategies directly from principal chain.
2. Receipt Chain
ReceiptTeller (Wormhole): Receives cross-chain message passing to the Receipt Chain.
Primary BoringVault: Mints receipts based on verified deposits.
RouterTeller: Manages positions and interacts with the Receipt BoringVault.
Receipt BoringVault: Core liquidity pool for deposited assets.
Root Manager: Administrative component for vault governance.
Strategist: Implements yield strategies for deposited assets.
Application: End-user protocols that utilize the liquidity (with liquidation/slashing capabilities).
3. Manager & Strategist
Manager Contract: Authenticates and executes strategist calls for rebalancing assets across chains.
Strategist: Analyzes market opportunities and allocates liquidity to maximize yield.
4. Accountant
Tracks asset prices and ensures accurate valuation of vault shares and receipt tokens.
5. Application Layer
Deposit: Users deposit assets into the vault, receiving yield-bearing positional tokens.
Restaking/Yield Aggregators: Strategists deploy assets into high-yield opportunities like restaking protocols or DEX liquidity pools.
Deposit: Users deposit assets from Principal Chain into the Primary BoringVault.
Cross-Chain Message Passing: ReceiptTeller passes message to the Receipt Chain.
Liquidity Allocation: Strategists rebalance assets across chains using the Manager Contract, deploying them into high-yield strategies.
Yield Generation: Assets generate yield, which flows back into the vault, increasing the value of user positions.