The Manager is an asset-manager contract responsible for rebalancing the assets within the BoringVault. The Strategist uses the Manager to rebalance. The Manager contract gates Strategist calls to expose the minimum set of roles and requirements functionality required to rebalance the vault. This role authentication is implemented as a Merkle verification system: every rebalance call made by a Strategist must additionally submit a Merkle proof verifying that the content of the call is permitted by the vault (e.g. enforcing a whitelist of DeFi protocols or assets that the vault can take exposure to).
One addition to Veda infrastructure that MoreMarkets provides is remote management across all Receipt Chains for a Principal Chain vault. Strategists can call 'set_root/verify' remotely and a message is relayed. This decreases the gas cost of setting strategies and executing on the vault, increasing the efficiency for strategists. This also gives the manager the ability to rebalance in multiple chains in one transaction on the base chain rather than going and rebalancing in multiple chains, reducing the complexity of the strategies.
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